Subtle Frequencies
Where answers come in the form of more questions.
2 years ago

S1E27 - Caves, Dungeons, etc.

Our friends disappreared somewhere underground, and it's up to us to figure out where.

Sorry for depriving you of an episode last week y'all. You know how it is sometimes.

Have you been under ground lately? Between the caves, dungeons, tunnels, and basements, there is a truly baffling amount of space beneath our town. So, if we're ever going to find our missing friends Two Guns and Jeremy, we need to learn everything we can about subterranean spaces, immediately.

When you're exploring a cave and you come across a mysterious passage, remember to use your ears. If you can hear wind blowing and loud screeching, that's a terrible/ otherworldly horror. If you hear grunting and bones rattling, just don't go in there. Trust me. But if you hear the song WONDERING by Xiu Xiu, that's a sign you're heading in the right direction. Go to their bandcamp so you can commit that song to memory. Or follow 'em on the gram (@xiuxiuforlife), if that's your thing .

Content Warning: threats of violence, violence, burglary, murder, sword attacks, gunfire, kidnapping, lots of small animal sounds, rodent infestation, bats, rats, missing persons, satirical suggestions of vandalism, cults, lengthy but non-specific discussion of sex, eating raw flesh

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