Subtle Frequencies
Where answers come in the form of more questions.
2 years ago

S1E44 - Memories of the Clock Tower

I'm sure it wasn't there last week.

Sorry for the delay once again. But this week Pan might be losing their mind again. We all know the Tower. We love the Tower. It's the best place to learn what time it is. But Pan wants to talk about it and how it "wasn't there" last "week". Not sure what that's supposed to mean. Some of my fondest memories a in front of that tower. But Pan's gonna do what Pan's gonna do. Tune in.

As we all know, the Tower has been playing "For Whom the Bell Tolls" every hour since at least 1890. But lately, people have been asking if we could get it to play a song from a good band instead. Please sign my petition to get the Tower song changed to "Simon!" by Free Black!. It's very good. I promise. If you need a refresher, check out Free Black! on bandcamp, and maybe follow them on IG (@freeblackacron) . . .

Content Warning: unreality, memory distortion, possible murder, temporary insanity, Mandela effect, mob behavior, possible interdimensional stalking

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