Subtle Frequencies
Where answers come in the form of more questions.
2 years ago

S1E49 - Parenting

It takes a village to raise a giant child

If you downloaded this very very early, there was a mistake that has since been corrected. Sorry

Well, the Sleeping One's giant parents are on their way to town. Not sure when they'll get here, but it has us thinking about parenting. Mostly because we feel like we need to do a little parenting so the Sleeping One's parents don't get mad at us and destroy stuff. None of us are ready for this, but we have to do something.

Ever since we discussed barding, more songs with magical qualities have been coming to our attention. The latest addition to the list is "the least" by Alexis Mahler. We're not sure exactly what kind of magic it has going on, but there's definitely some in there. Listen to it some more on her bandcamp and give her a follow on instagram @alexismahler

Content Warning: numerous sounds that kind of sound like distant bombs, irresponsible parenting, kidnapping plots, captivity, skeletons, implied murder

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